Blog reaches 100 Followers!

I'm really happy to see I've already got so many followers on this blog. I started it less than 2 months ago and didn't expect I'd get so many readers so quickly.

So thank you guys for reading my blog, and I promise I'll bring more high quality articles for you as soon as I get more time. As you know, right now I'm working on the rest of my WotLK Leveling Guides, so I'm very busy, hence the lack of blog activity.

But still, I'll try to publish 3 or 4 articles a week, even if my schedule is tight.

On a related note, is getting close to 1 Million absolute visitors. Which means that when it happens, about 10% of the total wow population will have visited my site at least once.

Not bad, and I hope that with the future guides the wow-pro community will release and with your help, we'll get close to 100% of the wow population someday ;)

So please, keep spreading the word!

7 Response to "Blog reaches 100 Followers!"

  1. Dennet says:

    Gratz Jame! Tbh you should have had it along time ago:-)

    Unknown says:

    Hey Jame! Love your guides - both for leveling them as well as for starting my DK.

    I was hoping you might have something for release pretty soon about gearing up a DK for Naxx - which quests you'd recommened running and so forth?

    After following your guides, I'm now 77 and JUST started Grizzly Hills, so I'm hoping to start cherry-picking quests to get the best gear I can before Naxx.


    Jame says:

    Sorry Edward. I actually wish I could help you.

    I'm so busy with the guides right now the I haven't gotten my DK up to raiding yet, so I can't help for now :/

    And woot, already went up to 107 followers since I posted this!

    Jame says:

    I wish my followers would all put some cute avatars in their profile though, it looks so much better with an avatar :P

    I know, I'm probably asking too much ;)

    After getting 3 characters up to 70, I didn't have the patience with my DK or Priest (WOTLK Mains). I left Outlands as soon as I could and never looked back.

    Ho Ho says:

    "Which means that when it happens, about 10% of the total wow population will have visited my site at least once"

    I wouldn't like to burst your bubble but it's probably significantly less than that. I've got five different accounts and visit it from work and from home. There aren't many multiboxers but there are tons of people who visit the site from several locations or who don't have static IP.

    Jame says:

    Yea, which is why I said "about" 10%.