WoW-Pro Fixed

Everything is running smoothly now. Please go back to posting guides and comments :)

6 Response to "WoW-Pro Fixed"

  1. Storm says:

    Hey, noticed what seems like some pretty huge nerfs to DK's in general, unholy not escaping this =(. Have you had a chance to mess around with them recently?

    Jame says:

    Could you be more specific? I haven't seen any new nerfs recently.

    Storm says:

    have those changes been in effect since your last tests? stumbled across that last night, wasn't sure how recent it was

    Jame says:

    Those are really old changes, many other changes have happened since them, and my recent blog posts take all of that into account.

    Hagu says:

    Thanks! I just created an account (cnome) because I liked the Alliance 30-70 guides so much and was hoping for something similar to 80.

    I noticed a bad link ( page not found ) in the wow-pro header. Is this something you want to know about? And if so, where do you want people to mention it?

    Thanks again!

    Jame says:

    Hey Hagu, thanks for the warning. I fixed the forums now.

    Here was fine, but by private message directly on wow-pro is even better :)